“Today, I had the fun of running the course for the final time before race day. It’s been cleaned up since the deluge of rain last Thursday and should be primed for race day!” – Pat Price, Co-Race Director.
Notes from the Course:
- The start provides a gentle downhill for about 1/4 mile before you enter the Crabtree Creek greenway at Raleigh Boulevard. Overall, that first mile is completely flat.
- The second mile starts flat and will bring you through Lockwood Park for the first time and on to Pump Station Hill (aka Mt. Greenway). There will be water and 2 portapotties at Lockwood Park.
- The hill is longer and less steep on this side, and after you pass the “Tree of Truth,” marking the end of the climb, you will begin to descend and will pass the 2 mile mark on your way to Milburnie Road.
- The 3rd mile is downhill at the beginning and flat the rest of the way. You’ll pass the first full aid station right before the Milburnie turn at 2.6 miles. There will be water and Gatorade here, as well as 2 portapotties.
- Miles 4 and 5 are flat and slightly downhill in sections. These are fast miles. You’ll hit the “mid-way on the greenway” aid station at 4.8 miles with water and Gatorade, before heading towards Anderson Point Park.
- Mile 6 is a little rolling with some ups and downs before getting near the Anderson Point Park loop.
- In my opinion, Mile 7 is the toughest on the course. There are 2 little climbs coming into Anderson Point Park, the first being short, with a little steepness to it. You’ll hit the halfway aid station in Anderson Point Park around 6.4 miles. After this, you’ll face a few small hills in the back of the park, before getting to the 7 mile mark and heading back down the Crabtree Creek greenway.
- This 8th mile is rolling. It starts with the steep downhill and has a few ups and downs before getting to the 8 mile marker.
- The 9th mile is mostly flat with the “mid-way on the greenway” station coming up again at 8.7 miles.
- The 10th mile is pretty dead flat before hitting a slight incline as you head back towards Milburnie.
- Right before the 11th mile marker, you’ll again hit the Milburnie aid station around 10.8 mile before tackling Pump Station Hill again.
- The 12th mile is one to remember, as you will begin to ascend almost immediately, and will be up and over Mount Greenway by 11.4 miles. It’s short and steep, so pace yourself! It’s all downhill from here, and you’ll hit the Lockwood Park aid station again around 11.8 miles.
- The final mile is dead flat. You’ll run along the Crabtree Creek and then will veer slightly to the right and run the final 50 yards or so up the slight hill off the side of the greenway before you get back to Raleigh Boulevard. There will be 2 portapotties at the finish as well!
- Want to dig deeper into the course? Go to the Course page!